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LITTLEMAGS 08-28-2008 06:06 PM

injury update
as some of you know...some dont. Back in June I torn my left quad tendon off the patella and had to have major surgery (re-attach quad tendon to patalla via holes drilled into the knee cap and stiched back on.)
WELL the cast (full leg cast) have been off the leg now three weeks and REHAB is going well...HARD as hell but going well.

WELL...DURING this time I have lost quite a bit of weight (close to 30 pds) MOST of it muscle....I have been optimistic on returning full action in time but right now Iam training 4 days a week and CANT train legs at all. Luckliy I have JUST been given clearance to ride the bike at a slow pace..IT has been very tough since I have lived in the gym for the past 15 years.

I KNOW ONE THING FOR SURE! THANK God I have a wonderful wife to take care of me. SHE is soooooo damn awesome and she is the one reason I made it so far. Anyone who knows me and has seen my wife KNOWS I am a lucky bastard to have her.

BTW the scar is looks good and is getting better day by

Fryguy302 08-29-2008 10:27 PM

Glad you're back man, we need your input in this section.

Get well soon, I've always heard muscle remembers and comes back quick.

67camaro 09-09-2008 09:41 PM

Good Luck, Get Well Soon.

Crazzy_Al 09-09-2008 10:30 PM

Killin it! Good work!

LITTLEMAGS 09-10-2008 09:02 AM

4 WEEKS INTO PT and Dr. says no need to wear brace anymore. :)
Started weight training on legs again. VERY SLOW though and VERY LIGHT movements...more reps than anything trying to re adjust the nerves to "remember" how to lift. My UPPER leg is almost regained all of its original size while the lower still lags with a noticeable visual difference. (but that will come back eventually) My weight is slowly coming back...which is good but still on the slow. Iam training back almsot 6 days a week right now with cardio 4 times a week. ( light bike work)...
Diet is RIGHT on...345 grams protein, 225 grams carbs, 55 all my supplements. I was thinking NO way I could do North Americans next year but at the rate of my is possible and very do-able. Iam still going to take things as they come. NO WAY do I want to re-injure myself.

lsx98z28 09-11-2008 10:26 PM

wow man keep up the good work

i bet that hurt tearing that, im not sure but i know wrestler triple H has torn something on his leg (both legs now) i think it was simular to what u did but idk for sure

Crazzy_Al 09-15-2008 09:50 PM

Dom, you are my physical fitness idol...seriously.

SVT32VDOHC 09-17-2008 11:32 AM

That's good news. IMO, you already being in good shape at the time of the injury is prolly why you're recovering so fast. Someone not so active would prolly suffer from this for a long time. Good call on the light workouts too....getting back in it slowly is a good thing.

LITTLEMAGS 06-09-2009 06:45 AM

WELL...quad is healed per what DR says on MRI. going to take this year off from competition though. Feel with my injury I need the extra time to get everything back to normal.

Fryguy302 06-11-2009 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by LITTLEMAGS
WELL...quad is healed per what DR says on MRI. going to take this year off from competition though. Feel with my injury I need the extra time to get everything back to normal.

That's good to hear! PM on it's way.

Crazzy_Al 06-13-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by LITTLEMAGS
WELL...quad is healed per what DR says on MRI. going to take this year off from competition though. Feel with my injury I need the extra time to get everything back to normal.

That's great news! Congrats!!!!

nitrous_bob 08-02-2009 09:55 AM

hey did you race 2 kids on gratiot right b4 going to continental lanes last week... in a calypso notch ??

lol.. that was me and my son if it was you

anyways... don't sweat it... i was always small... but was really working on it after a murdercycle accident in '04 in cali that got me back here to mi..... took me out of work for 2 years , almost lost my foot

just when i started getting good about diet and actually putting on pounds, i went to a pre employment physical and found out i had a double hernia

got me out of the gym for a good 6 weeks(and my skinny ass LOSES it real quick)

got back to where i was and a little more... tore up my shoulder from a trench cave-in in '06

just had that surgery in december of '08

and yeah... it DOES bounce back pretty quick.. problem for me is that i'm 38 now.. and the fat i gain from being off just doesn't go away anymore

oh well.... it's all good

good luck on recovery

LITTLEMAGS 10-09-2009 01:03 PM

^^ nope...not me. I have only had my car out a few times this year. I WISH though...hahaha....

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